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3 votes

Do "Beta Updates" of tvOS collect significantly more telemetry data than the stable release? What potential privacy issues can arise?

The whole point of taking part in a beta is to test out the software in your environment, and report to Apple any problems. That means providing them with enough data to fix it. Your personal details ...
benwiggy's user avatar
  • 37.6k
2 votes

Where did my Apple TV wish list go?

To the great bit bucket in the cloud. Wishlists are gone it seems.
SteveM's user avatar
  • 884
2 votes

Why does my Apple TV open the Control Center immediately when I turn it on?

If you are using an LG TV then disable "Auto Power Sync" on the TV, that should fix the issue.
LogicalDeveloper's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to browse the apps available for the Apple TV device with a web browser on a desktop?

According to this reddit thread on web alternatives to app store - This doesn’t work for you? If it doesn’t, you can use this but it’s 3rd party
Mr R's user avatar
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