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macOS is the current marketing name for Apple's Macintosh Operating System. This OS was previously known as OS X, and Mac OS X before that (which itself succeeded the 'classic' Mac OS).

2 votes

Can I delete things safely from ~/Library?

If you’ve deleted applications/programs, and they have leftovers in the Library/Application Support/ folder, then it is probably safe to clean out that program’s Library/Application Support/ subfolder …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
1 vote

Editing Finder Favorites

You'll want to right click on the favorite and "get info". The name shows up under "Name and Extension". You'll not, I think, be able to rename everything. If it's greyed out, for example, you won't b …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
0 votes

Mid 2010 Mac Pro with no video card; will it run with new HDDs?

I think you can do this as long as you have access to another Mac with firewire support. Once you put a new drive in the Mac Pro, plug in a usb keyboard and hold down the "t" key while you turn it on …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
1 vote

Computer shutdown while downloading mojave, and now there is not enough space to download

First empty your trash (just in case). Then open Finder and hit Command + F. You should now get an empty Finder window with the option to add search parameters: The first one, Kind is Any is alread …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
1 vote

WiFi connection lost. Reboot required

Thoughts to (hopefully) narrow down the problem: It sounds like this is happening regardless of whether your macbook is plugged in/charging or running off battery power. Is this assumption correct? …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
0 votes

Create 128 Barcodes within Excel

Here's how I do it: Column A is the text I want to encode. Column B is a formula for wrapping that text in asterisks (which is what, for me qualifies the entry as text): =CONCATENATE("*",A2,"*") Th …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
0 votes

Folder cannot be deleted from Trash

I would try deleting the entire .Trashes folder on the external drive: e.g. sudo rm -r /Volumes/externaldrive/.Trashes OS X will rebuild the .Trashes after the fact. —Edit— Just a thought: have you …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444
0 votes

Folders disappeared after I did something

You've checked your various trashes, which is a good start. Have you tried a search via the terminal? I'd cd into Desktop/, then ls -l .* See if that turns up anything that might be hidden, inclu …
Jerry's user avatar
  • 444