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Jailbreaking an iOS device is the process of taking away the restrictions Apple places on their devices giving the user root access, access to the raw file-system, and the ability to run software not signed by Apple. Most jailbreaks include Cydia, which is the jailbreak equivalent of the App Store.

4 votes

Bash commands that work on an iphone

There are a lot of command-line tools available for jailbroken iOS, many of them ported by saurik. If you want to find more than come with the default Cydia installation, first check Manage -> Setting …
britta's user avatar
  • 695
3 votes

Do apps on jailbroken iOS devices have uncontrolled access to all my data?

The author of Cydia ("saurik") recently answered some similar questions on Reddit - here's one comment: should also ask the following modified question: how does Apple reassure people that the …
britta's user avatar
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3 votes

Wi-Fi voice calling methods on a jailbroken iPhone?

The tweak Phone GV Extension integrates Google Voice into the normal Phone app. I haven't tried it myself, but it's pretty popular and has a free trial available. Here's a Lifehacker post that recomme …
britta's user avatar
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3 votes

Using the Apple Wireless Keyboard with an iPad with PC/Mac-like keyboard commands

BeeKeyboard is a tweak available via Cydia that adds the ability to create custom keyboard shortcuts. I'm not sure if it can do app-switching shortcuts, but you can install a plugin called BeeSafari t …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

iphone 3GS and iOS 5.1

If you do a normal iTunes restore to iOS 5.1, you will only be able to have a tethered jailbreak (see the Dev Team Blog post about the latest version of redsn0w), and the only way to unofficially unlock … The best path would be to check to see which SHSH blobs are on file with Cydia's servers for your device, and then use the appropriate SHSH blobs to restore to an iOS version with an untethered jailbreak
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I block ports and network traffic when using Personal Hotspot?

You could look into using the tweak Firewall iP (a paid package hosted by BigBoss repository) - it provides a number of options for controlling outgoing connections from your iPhone.
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

downgrade from iOS 5.1

You may actually have some SHSH blobs saved for your device, since Cydia automatically tries to save any available SHSH blobs every time you open Cydia. Also, I believe Apple is still signing iOS 4.1 …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Can an iPad be child locked so they cannot escape from one app?

The current jailbreak for iOS 5.1 on iPad 1 is only a tethered jaibreak, which means you need to boot the device by plugging it into a computer and running your jailbreaking tool, but that shouldn't be … for a new jailbreak to be released. …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I switch between iOS 5 & 6 (and possibly Android/Windows 8) on my iPad?

If you have an iPad 3rd generation on iOS 5.x with iOS 5.x SHSH blobs (signature hashes) saved, you can upgrade and downgrade between versions of iOS 5.x. You can't downgrade from iOS 6.x back to 5.x …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Downloading videos and saving to camera roll?

There are a few tweaks for jailbroken iOS that can import videos into the Videos app: Music2iPod (free). I haven't tested this one though. Bridge ($2). The paid version of iFile ($4), using the Grem …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Jailbreak iOS 6 without cydia

If you have a device that supports iOS 6 and is vulnerable to limera1n (iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, or iPod touch 4th generation), you can use redsn0w to jailbreak 6.1.2 tethered without installing Cydia (just … It's probably less fuss to just jailbreak with evasi0n, open up Cydia, let it prepare the filesystem, install OpenSSH, and then look for the "Cydia Installer" package and uninstall it. …
britta's user avatar
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2 votes

Services on homescreen jailbroken iphone

I've seen reports of it happening on devices on iOS 6 with various combinations of tweaks installed, so I'm not sure whether any specific tweak is causing it, or whether it's related to the jailbreak itself …
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1 vote

Remove Jailbreak?

Agreed, you have to restore your device in order to remove the jailbreak. …
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1 vote

How do I get my firmware version prior to running jailbreak on a new 3GS?

Recent versions of redsn0w auto-detect the version of iOS running on the connected device, so you can usually just jailbreak it without having to manually figure out the iOS version first. …
britta's user avatar
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1 vote

Remove Jailbreak and restore to factory settings without iTunes

The only way to remove the jailbreak from a jailbroken device is to restore it with iTunes on a computer. …
britta's user avatar
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