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macOS is the current marketing name for Apple's Macintosh Operating System. This OS was previously known as OS X, and Mac OS X before that (which itself succeeded the 'classic' Mac OS).

0 votes

How to enable USB tethering on your Android phone to Mac OS X Lion

Android 11 ethernet tethering with usb-ethernet adapter Another option is, if you have an Android phone running Android 11 or higher, you can use ethernet tethering. For ethernet you would need: 2 US …
therobyouknow's user avatar
0 votes

How to Connect Multiple Monitors to an Intel CPU MacBook Air

I also have a MacBook Air 11" and I have driven 3 external displays from it. My MacBook Air 11": Mid 2015, i7 8Gb 500Gb HD. I use a Thunderbolt to HDMI connector and 2 USB32HDPRO USB3 to HDMI externa …
therobyouknow's user avatar
5 votes

Is it possible to connect MacBook Air M2 to multiple external monitors?

Here is one successful setup that I have tested So the answer to the question is: YES! 3 External monitors working + Mac's own = 4 active displays. (note: photo image is slightly distorted around edg …
therobyouknow's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to connect MacBook Air M2 to multiple external monitors?

video output Native DisplayPort output over USB‑C VGA, HDMI, DVI, and Thunderbolt 2 output supported using adapters (sold separately) How would I go about doing this to add more external displays on macOS
therobyouknow's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Split screen divider stuck on Desktop, not actually dividing any windows, distracting - how ...

See screenshot: MacBook Air 11" 2015, 1366 x 768 screen, 8Gb RAM, 2.2 Ghz i7, 500Gb SSD, macOS mojave 10.14.2 Additional screenshots: Notifications pop-up goes over the split divider (Answering question …
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote

How to use Bluetooth PAN and WiFi simultaneously in OSX

Use Speedify. (I don't work for them or have financial interest in them. I'm a user.) What this software does is to combine multiple internet connections. I am combining a bluetooth PAN and Wifi. …
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote

BOOTCAMP no longer listed as Device in Finder, but can boot into it on startup

properly shut it down (as this is the least risky approach; better to get Windows to sort itself out regarding fully shut down and out of hibernate mode rather than from externally (i.e via an app in MacOS … I started up into MacOS and can now see BOOTCAMP in finder. …
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

BOOTCAMP no longer listed as Device in Finder, but can boot into it on startup

How can I get BOOTCAMP to be listed under Devices in Finder so that I can go into it and view the files there? I can boot into BOOTCAMP as normal on startup but in OS X, Finder does not list BOOTCAMP …
therobyouknow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Apple Mail 9.2: How to specify port and SSL options for incoming and outgoing IMAP servers?

When setting up a new IMAP account in Apple Mail 9.2, it gives me no option to specify the incoming and outgoing ports, not SSL options. See screenshot below. The ability to do this would be most hel …
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Where are the screensaver configuration files (.saver) for the screensavers that are offered...

I've already looked in 2 places. I looked in my user folder: /Users/MYUSERNAME/Library/Screen Savers - which was empty. (where MYUSERNAME is my user name) I also looked in /Library/Screen Savers/De …
therobyouknow's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

External monitor goes black for short periods on MBP mid 2010 but not on same machine runnin...

Can anyone advise on how to stop this happening. The external monitor attached to it goes black for a few seconds but then comes back to show the Desktop etc. When I boot into Windows 7 64 bit Pro ( …
therobyouknow's user avatar