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Apple's photo manager and editor. This tag may refer to the iOS app, present since iOS 1.0; the OS X app, where it is the successor to iPhoto and Aperture and was introduced in 2015; or the watchOS app.

4 votes
4 answers

How do I remove ALL PHOTOS from iPhone?

I have 26K photos on a 64GB iPhone 7 and running iOS 12.4 How can I delete all photos en-masse? That is, removing all photos from the iPhone's Camera Roll.
JackLamberton's user avatar
-3 votes

How do I remove ALL PHOTOS from iPhone?

Ich bin dummkopf! “Settings->general->reset->erase contents and settings” did the trick. I just realized that I did not phrase my question right. I wanted to erase everything on the iPhone. Thank …
JackLamberton's user avatar