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macOS is the current marketing name for Apple's Macintosh Operating System. This OS was previously known as OS X, and Mac OS X before that (which itself succeeded the 'classic' Mac OS).

18 votes

Control-F2 "Move Focus to Menu Bar" only works occasionally

I've had the same struggle with keyboard shortcuts to the menu bar (tried many different combinations). the only one that has consistently worked is the help shortcut ⇧ ⌘ ? (shift+command+/) from …
salesagent's user avatar
1 vote

Linear and fast mouse speed in OS X Lion. Possible?

1st set your system preferences > mouse settings then get a precision or gaming mouse that has adjustable settings. I have a 24" imac & use a razer imperator set to maximum sensitivity because I pref …
salesagent's user avatar
1 vote

How can I synchronize my two Mac Computers?

I use a similar setup (imac & macbook air) my experienced recommendation is to use mobile me or icloud to sync email, contacts, calendars, bookmarks, etc… (google could be a substitute) dropbox for …
salesagent's user avatar