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Questions about the Terminal application or its terminal emulation should use this tag. Use **command-line** for questions about shells or command-line programs that do not specifically involve Terminal.

3 votes

How do you replace commands in the terminal?

As an example, if using bash, adding alias vscode="open -a 'Visual Studio Code'" to your .bash_profile file will let you just type vscode in Terminal to open Visual Studio Code. …
user3439894's user avatar
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5 votes

Error in opening Microsoft Word through Terminal

You are missing a space, it should be: open -a Microsoft\ Word Or: open -a "Microsoft Word" Program names that contain spaces need to be escaped with a \ backslash or use " quotes around the nam …
user3439894's user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to define the width/height of a Terminal window with this command: osascript ...

Then in Terminal, execute the following command: osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to get bounds of front window' It will return a four-item list of integers, e.g: 0, 22, 730, 531 Now move … the Terminal window to a different position on the screen and resize it. …
user3439894's user avatar
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2 votes

Add login item from command line

You need to remove the backslash (\) from: cDock\ You do not need to escape spaces in a path filename when it is in quotes. Only escape spaces in a path filename when it is not in quotes. …
user3439894's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I programmatically get the Terminal scrollback text?

/index.html URL in the contents of the entire scrolling buffer of the tab, then the following example AppleScript code can do that: tell application "Terminal" to ¬ set tabHistory to ¬ history … /usr/bin/osascript shebang, made executable and run from Terminal. …
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9 votes

Is there a Terminal command to get the current front most app's title?

Well there is, however if you run it directly in Terminal it's just going to return Terminal, as that's the frontmost application process that's visible. …
user3439894's user avatar
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0 votes

Automator: Decode Decode64 selection and display output in a new TextEdit window

if your Automator Service/Quick Action is set to e.g. Service receives selected text in any application / Workflow receives text in any application, then in the Run Shell Script action with Pass input …
user3439894's user avatar
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2 votes

In which file stores its windows?

It is stored in the user's Saved Application State folder, located at: /Users/$USER/Library/Saved Application State/
user3439894's user avatar
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4 votes

Why can't I easily open web browsers from the terminal application?

It's probably safe to say that most Mac users do not open GUI apps via the CLI, which is why most GUI apps do not include the CLI support like TextMate does. In other words, TextMate actually include …
user3439894's user avatar
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2 votes

Add bottom margin or scroll past last line in Mac OS Terminal

It keep's the history intact while returning the prompt to the top of the Terminal window. I added an alias for clear to my ~/.profile file. Or ~/.bash_profile file if using it instead. …
user3439894's user avatar
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5 votes

Should the pgrep command be available in OS X 10.7.5

In a Terminal type the following and press enter. whereis pgrep Looking at the contents of the InstallESD.dmg from "Install Mac OS X", pgrep is not present. …
user3439894's user avatar
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2 votes

Terminal: command to show application folder

vmrun=\"`osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to get POSIX path of (application file id "com.vmware.fusion" as alias)'`/Contents/Library/vmrun\" Now when I type vmrun, without any arguments, in a Terminal
user3439894's user avatar
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1 vote

How to install the websploit framework in OS X 10.11.2?

To install it you'd run the in a Terminal. … Also where it says echo "Run From Terminal : sudo websploit" in the script, this is a message that's echoed and since /usr/local/share/websploit is not in the $PATH that command is not going to work as …
user3439894's user avatar
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5 votes

Removing characters from a string via Terminal

This seems to work: $ echo '' | awk 'BEGIN{ …
user3439894's user avatar
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0 votes

Why can I not use xdg-open and gnome-open in Mac?

If you're trying to open an image file like a .png, .jpg, etc. from Terminal in OS X, you can use open filename.png where filename.png is the actual pathname of the target image file. … In Terminal, type man open and press enter to read the BSD General Commands Manual for the open command. …
user3439894's user avatar
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