I am connected with my iPhone 6 / iOS 9.0 to an IPv6 network created following [this article][1]. When I take a look at the console of my device, I see Aug 11 12:15:07 titos-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 076991.368570 wlan0.N[15305] checkIPv4AddressValidity@6178: Local IPv4 address Aug 11 12:15:07 titos-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 076991.369991 wlan0.A[15306] receivedIPv4Address@1524: Received address, entering powersave mode 2 Aug 11 12:15:07 titos-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 076991.370023 wlan0.A[15307] receivedIPv6Address@1547: Received IPv6 addresses 20:1:0:0:0:0:0:0c:4:1:d6:67:90:6f:98 Aug 11 12:15:07 titos-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 076991.370032 wlan0.A[15308] receivedIPv6Address@1547: Received IPv6 addresses 20:1:0:0:0:0:0:011:71:3f:2:43:17:32:dd Aug 11 12:15:07 titos-iPhone kernel[0] <Notice>: 076991.370042 wlan0.N[15309] startRoamScan@5689:5689 starting RoamScan; MultiAPEnv:0 isdualBand:1 isOn5G:0 **Why do I see Received address when I'm actually trying to connect to an IPv6 network?** **How can I disable this behaviour and only receive an IPv6 address?** [1]: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternetWeb/Conceptual/NetworkingOverview/UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition/UnderstandingandPreparingfortheIPv6Transition.html