I'm trying to install Windows along side my Mac OS (Catalina 10.15.15). I'm using bootcamp, but it always get stuck at partitioning, telling me it can't partition the disk and check it and fix it with First Aid. 

Running First Aid it was giving me some orphaned files in the dstream. I fixed it by running network recovery, unmounting the disk and analyzing them with fsck. However, now I still have errors. If I run first aid that's the output I get: https://pastebin.com/iz5nCXPN

I know this question may look like a duplicate, but I tried everything I can find online:
 - First Aid in Recovery and Single User modes
 - Network Recovery, unmount volumes and use `fsck_apfs -y`
 - Partition the disk manually (Disk Utility) doesn't work either
 - Recovery mode and "Reinstall MacOS" didn't fix it either
 - Running Disk Utility multiple times, as you can see from the past points, it's an entire week I'm continuosly running Disk Utility in normal and recovery mode.
 - Running ```tmutil listlocalsnapshots /``` returns nothing as I don't have local snapshots. Time Machine is disabled since 4 days and every external drive is unplugged.

I'm out of options, and I can't either find what these errors means, nor how to fix them. So maybe asking again in 2020 could help.