In this EXACT ORDER, this is how to disable “SPOTLIGHT SEARCH” on the IPHONE: 1. Go to “SETTINGS” 2. Go to “GENERAL” 3. Click on “RESTRICTIONS” 4. Disable “RESTRICTIONS” 5. Now, In the regular “SETTINGS”, go to “SIRI AND SEARCH” - and then scroll till you see “SIRI SUGGESTIONS” 6. Under “SIRI SUGGESTIONS” Turn OFF “SUGGESTIONS IN SEARCH” AND “SUGGESTIONS IN LOOKUP” 7. Scroll back up a little and Turn OFF “PRESS HOME FOR SIRI” 8. NOW go back to “RESTRICTIONS” and ENABLE them 9. In “RESTRICTIONS” turn off “SIRI AND DICTATION” 10. Scroll down a little bit (still in restrictions) and under “ALLOWED CONTENT” click on “SIRI” and TURN OFF “EXPLICIT LANGUAGE” and “WEB SEARCH CONTENT” ***If you followed these directions in EXACT order, you can disable “spotlight search” and will not be able to enable it again unless you know the restrictions passcode for the phone.