I would like to support SharePoint 2013 with default out-of-box settings on iOS 8 devices. I see a lot of forum discussion on both Apple and Microsoft sites regarding IIS Windows Authentication being broken with Safari in iOS 8. Without bypassing Windows Authentication, I'm looking for details on any scheduled software fix in iOS 8, or workarounds like using Chrome on iOS 8 as mentioned in some of the forum posts. Unfortunately the Chrome workaround is a partial fix as iOS 8 does not allow Chrome to be the default browser for links opened from email or elsewhere on your mobile device. Here are the relevant discussions and links I used while attempting to find a solution or verify the problem.

 - [Cannot see Sharepoint with iOS8](https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6539205) (Apple Support Communities)
 - [SharePoint 2013 is not compatible with iOS 8](http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e3d42a62-1ba9-4c69-97fc-d357d01bd486/sharepoint-2013-is-not-compatible-with-ios-8?forum=sharepointgeneral) (Microsoft TechNet Forums)
 - [sharepoint 2013 ios 8 safari](https://www.google.com/search?q=sharepoint+2013+ios+8+safari) (Google Search)