Schedule *Do Not Disturb*

Just to add that you can also schedule Do Not Disturb from the command line to activate/deactivate each day at set times.

To set the time when DND will be *enabled*:

    defaults -currentHost write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ dndStart -integer <start_time_in_minutes>

To set the time when DND will be *disabled*:

    defaults -currentHost write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ dndEnd -integer <end_time_in_minutes>

***NOTE:*** replace `<start_time_in_minutes>` and `<end_time_in_minutes>` with the desired value (explained below).



To schedule DND to start each day at 15:00 and to end at 18:30 do the following:

Convert 15:00 and 18:30 to minutes to get the value of `<start_time_in_minutes>` and `<end_time_in_minutes>`. That is, multiply the number of hours by 60 and add the number of minutes. 

For 15:00 that would be: `15 * 60 + 0 = 900` and for 18:30 that would be: `18 * 60 + 30 = 1110`. Giving us the commands below:

    defaults -currentHost write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ dndStart -integer 900
    defaults -currentHost write ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ dndEnd -integer 1110
    killall NotificationCenter # 'resets' Notificatio Center so that it reads the DND change