I have few GBs (5,38 GB at the moment) of free space on my hard disk (MacBook Pro 2010, 10.7.5). **Few hours after I turn on/reboot my computer, the free space slowly goes down to zero and the system hangs**. I've found out that these 2 programs cause this problem: **xCode, Google Chrome (both programs are memory-consuming I believe)**, although I think the problem is related to OS itself.

I've found similar questions but they all seem to be related to vanishing *some* of the disk space, where in my case I slowly loose *all* of the disk space.

What I've tried so far:

 1. Using OmniSweeper to clean my disk
 2. Disabling Mac OS X Paging/Swap [as described here][1]
 3. Deleting swap file

Right now, the only solution for this problem is to reboot the system (then it has all these GBs back and I can work for few hours). When I close Google Chrome and wait for few minutes, the system frees some (no more than 600 MBs) of disk space.

**What can cause this problem? What software can I use to investigate it?**

  [1]: http://osxdaily.com/2010/10/08/mac-virtual-memory-swap/