> ...how I can, if possible, change the percentage of battery remaining > that will cause the battery icon to turn red in the Menu Bar. **You can't.** It's not something that can be modified. The battery icon changes to red when you have less than 15% charge remaining (macOS 10.8 and earlier). It changes to less than 10 minutes in Mavericks (10.9 and later). See [About Mac notebook batteries][1] You'd need a 3rd party app like [Coconut Battery][2] (Paid edition) so you can get notifications when your battery reaches are certain level. (IMO) If you're going to pay for an app to tell you this, just buy a new battery and be done with it. [1]: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204054 [2]: https://www.coconut-flavour.com/coconutbattery/