I have a rMBP 13" late 2013 model and just updated Mavericks today to 10.9.2 (Software OS X 10.9.2 (13C64)) I have been using the OSX package of keepass from [here (Openix)][1] without any issues before updating. After updating, if I try to open keepass, the laptop hangs (i get the beachball of doom) and the mono process uses upwards of 98% of the cpu untill I kill it. I have the mono runtime (version 3.2.7) and XQuartz 2.7.5 (xorg-server 1.14.4), installed. I am not very knowledgable as to how to troubleshoot to see if there is mono or x11 issue, I just installed them to be able to use keepass on my macbook. IS there anyone else experiencing this same issue? What steps could I take to begin troubleshooting this? [1]: http://keepass2.openix.be/