# First question > Is there a reason why Music will not show? One of the following commands, run in Terminal, might help towards an explanation. defaults read com.apple.sidebarlists | grep Music – expect a match of some sort. If no match, it'll be difficult to discover/guess how the entry was lost. defaults read com.apple.sidebarlists favorites | grep -B 2 Visibility Here, with Mountain Lion, I find `Visibility = NeverVisible` for some things – but not for the thing that I most recently removed from the sidebar, which leaves me wondering about `.plist` files that are used for preferred removals in Lion and Mountain Lion. ## Based on commentary, revisions and other answers If using the File menu to add the volume to the sidebar does not allow the volume to appear under `DEVICES`, we might view this as a bug in the OS. The following command should reveal detail of the five entries for `Music`: defaults read com.apple.sidebarlists | grep -B 3 -A 2 Music