in order to be work in Todoist, I needed to fully url encode the string (Todoist choked at the @ symbol): ``` tell application "Mail" set theSelection to selection set theMessage to first item of theSelection set theUrl to "<" & message id of theMessage & ">" set theUrl to do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c 'import sys, urllib; print urllib.quote(sys.argv[1])' " & quoted form of theUrl set theUrl to "message://" & theUrl set the clipboard to theUrl end tell ``` - I saved the script to `/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts` as suggested above - I installed also FastScript and bound the AppleScript to ⌘L (for **L**ink) now I can hit cmd-l on any message in Apple Mail and paste the link in todoist and clicking it opens the mail again, thanks internet!