Animation is *everywhere* in OS X, and it is not possible to disable *all* animation with one global setting, which makes this a very complicated question to answer completely. I would advise you to try disabling things one at a time as you find animations that annoy you. Check System Preferences to start. For example, the Dock magnification animation can be turned off in System Preferences -> Dock. Also, check out [TinkerTool][1], which allows you to do the following: * Disable the animation effect when opening files in the Finder * Disable the animation effect when opening information panels or Desktop icons * Disable the animation effect when selecting information categories * Accelerate the animation of opening and closing sheets If there's an animation that really bugs you and you can't figure out how to disable it, try posting a separate question here at Ask Different for that specific issue -- you will get a fast and accurate response. (And as a nice side effect, both you and the people helping you will earn more rep that way.) [1]: