I would like to use right-<kbd>Alt</kbd> (<kbd>AltGr</kbd>) as ⌥ key. These are modifier keys right of the spacebar on MS 4000 Keyboard: ![AltGr][1]. I currently have the <kbd>Application key</kbd> ![enter image description here][2] mapped as ⌥, but <kbd>AltGr</kbd> would be less clumsy.

Also, there is only <kbd>Alt</kbd> sticker on my MS 4000, and currently my <kbd>Alt [Gr]</kbd> doesn't function as *any* modifier key. 

I've already looked in KeyRemap4MacBook and the question [AltGr keyboard shortcuts on MacOS?][3].

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/wk3in.jpg
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/fYE82.png
  [3]: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/48058/altgr-keyboard-shortcuts-on-macos