In file dialogs pressing <kbd>⇧</kbd><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>.</kbd> toggles showing hidden files. It also works in some third party apps like Transmit and TotalFinder. There's nothing equivalent to that in Finder though. But you could always assign a shortcut to a script like this: #!/bin/bash trap 'exit 0' EXIT k=" AppleShowAllFiles" [[ "`defaults read $k`" == "false" ]] && b=true || b=false defaults write $k -bool $b osascript -e 'try quit app "Finder" end delay 0.1 tell app "Finder" launch delay 0.2 activate end' I use [FastScripts](, but you could also create an Automator service and assign it a shortcut in the Keyboard preference pane: ![](