**Background:** I never expected to have *only* command line access to my Mac, but the day has arrived! :) Due to a video card problem, any attempt to boot the normal OS or recovery partition results in a kernel panic. However, I *can* boot into Single User mode! (The screen has a bunch of green horizontal lines through it every other pixel, but it is still readable.) I have checked and verified that my data is intact. I have a Genius Bar appointment to get the video card replaced. I have a couple of backup drives on which I have CarbonCopyCloner backups of my computer, however these are out of date. ----- **I want to back up my Mac from the Single User Mode command line using CarbonCopyCloner** before I take it for the video card replacement. I found [this link on the `ccc` tool](https://bombich.com/kb/ccc4/using-ccc-command-line-tool-start-stop-and-monitor-ccc-backup-tasks), but I don't think I have ccc **4** because that file doesn't exist on my computer (though the directory does). Questions are: 1. How can I tell what version of CarbonCopyCloner I have, from the Single User Mode command line? 2. How can I use this version of CCC to update one of my full backups before I take the machine in for service? 3. *If* this can't be done from the command line with this version of CCC, how else could I back up all data before taking it in for service (from Single User mode)?