I need to teach a non-technical person how to configure and run a series of shell scripts. This person has never used the Terminal before. The shell scripts look something like this: ``` configOption1 = "abcdefg" configOption2 = "hijklmnop" # Do not edit below this line # ---------------------------- [shell stuff here] ``` I could theoretically try to teach her how to make these changes in TextEdit, run `chmod +x` in the Terminal, and then execute the script, but this would require navigating files and directories in the Terminal, for the `chmod +x` step if nothing else. I could maybe also create some type of `make-executable.command` script that sets `chmod +x` on the other scripts, but this feels fragile; I want her to be relatively self-sufficient. Is there an app that would make running the scripts easier for someone without command line experience? The app that most comes to mind is [CodeRunner](https://coderunnerapp.com/), which I use myself, but it's relatively expensive at $20. It would be nice if there was something free.