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DISK will not show up in recovery. iMac late 2015 no DISK error

long story short:

  • I have a good working iMac 2015 5K that I wanted to sell.
  • I cannot do an automated factory reset on this device, so I had to go through steps.
  • I accidentally wiped a wrong disk, at least I think I did.
  • After wiping I get the folder/questionmark at startup.
  • I restart with COMMAND + R - To get a WIFI list to choose from, I connect and download certain recourses.
  • It reboots in a menu where you can go back to CAPITAN X. But when it asks on which disk I want to install, there is nothing. I cannot continue.
  • I did the first AID on all 3 given disks (HDD / SD and recovery) and it showed green, no faults.

What should I do? Apple wanted to ship me off to a dealer, which costs me money. I known I did something 'wrong' but I need to get an OS back on my iMac. Any help is much appreciated. Ill send a pizza!

thanks, Jeroen The Netherlands.