I am faced to a strange problem : on some websites, I have illisible characters and if I copy/paste the text into google translate or an editor like vim, the text appears normally in english.

Here an example on the page : https://www.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw206.html

This is what I am seeing below :

[![characters illisible][1]][1]

If I copy/paste the first paragraph into an editor, then I get :

> If you could halt the expansion of the universe and then travel
> outward in a straight line, would you eventually come back to the
> place where you started?  In other words, are all straight-line paths
> in the universe closed circles?  Or as Euclid would have put it, if
> you project two precisely parallel light beams out into empty space,
> do they ever cross?  A recent analysis of the angular structure and
> lensing of the cosmic microwave background radiation, as measured by
> the European Space Agency's Planck Mission, suggests that the answer
> to these questions is "Yes".  We will start by considering the
> curvature of space as represented in general relativity (GR).

I don't understand where this issue could from. Even by trying with different VPN, the issue remains.

Any help is welcome

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/3c8ce.jpg