While a symbolic link (UNIX alias) looks the same as a Finder alias inside Finder, they are two complete different types of aliases. A symbolic link will only hold the path it leads to and will permanently or temporarily break if the resource is moved or on a disconnected drive or share respectively. A Finder alias is technically an ordinary file with instructions for the Finder. The Finder can use this information to locate a moved target file/directory to a certain extent. If a target resource of an alias is on a mounted network share point, it also holds information of which Keychain item to use to log you in to the share point in order to open it. So, unless you write a script or program to read out the Finder alias file, it will not use it as a directory, but as a file in Terminal. Alternatively, you can remove the current Finder alias and create a symbolic link in its place. Command would be `ln -s /path/to/original` to create a symbolic link at the current directory. The path can be a full or relative path.