Anyone have solution for my issue? My iphone 5, ios 9.0.2 stuck on lock screen.
Sleep / wake button is not working for years ( I live in Indonesia, bought that iphone in Singapore. All I can say is, I can't ask for replacement
What works for me:
- assisitive touch
- home button
- mute / unmute button
Other than that nothing's working
Touch screen on OTHER than assisitive touch is not working. So I can't do any slide, etc.
I tried to use assisitive touch to turn off my iphone but I can't swipe the "slide to power off". I can show control center via assisitive touch but I can't touch anything. Hard reset (holding sleep/wake + home button) is not working because my sleep/wake button is not working.
I think it might be related with "notification center" because I can't open notification center via assisitive touch.
All I can do right now is waiting till my battery runs out (hope this issue will be gone after it restarts)
In web programming terms, it seems that there are some kind of z-index difference blocking the layer other than "Assisitive Touch layer"
PS: I don't want to wipe my iphone, I have a lot of important data in my iphone