>(This dialog must be opened when Command-Shift-V is pressed) According to Apple's [Pages Keyboard Shortcuts](http://www.apple.com/support/pages/shortcuts/body.html) support page, there is no command-shift-V nor shift-command-V, so if that exists, it is unpublished. edit: I've been informed in the comments that it is an Insert menu item. ------- Possibly helpful to you: to see the list of keyboard shortcuts in Pages, choose Help > Pages Keyboard Shortcuts. ------- From the page linked above: >Paste and match style of destination text..............Option-Shift-Command-V ------- Also, try checking in System Preferences.app/Keyboard control panel/Keyboard short cuts for any conflicting shortcuts. ------- [This may also be helpful to any experiencing inconsistent keyboard commands](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTmOn_TXm24)