We have two XP machines (in different cities) that up to now they have been the the hosts for syncing and backing up an iPad and iPhone via iTunes via USB.  We want to make use of iCloud, at least for backing up the iPhone and iPad.  As you know iCloud / it's control panel isn't supported on XP (without a hack to the installer).  

1) Is it correct that we can enable iCloud on the iPhone and iPad (via iTunes on XP or directly on the iPhone and iPad) without the iCloud control panel being installed on XP?

2) If we use iCloud on the iPhone/iPad - and can't enable iCloud on XP - how will apps and media be synced to the XP iTunes?  Manually?

3) In the case of XP iTunes without iCloud and iPhone/iPad enabled apps, media, photos and data, is it correct that we would still benefit from iCloud automatic syncing of apps, media and data to/between the iPhone/iPad without risk of losing any media on the XP iTunes (as long as we manually sync XP iTunes with the App/iTunes Store)?

4) Given that we don't have a me.com email account and use other services for Gmail email, contacts, and notes, we can still use iCloud for backup alone or for any combination of backup, photos, Documents and Data, and Find My iPhone.  Correct?

5) For a PC user - XP, Vista or Win7 - where apps are less likely to be iCloud enabled, other services such as Dropbox may be better options for document syncing.

Apologies for the distinct but related questions.  Thanks in advance for your input.