I am on machine LOC. I would like to connect to a directory on the second hard drive of machine REM. Both machines are running Lion 10.7.1. I use Finder on LOC and Command-K to connect to a server. I type in afp:// (IP Address of REM) and authenticate as a user on REM with Admin priveleges. I am presented with an option to connect to any of several different folders, all of which reside on REM's primary (boot) hard drive. I would like to connect to a folder which reside's on a second internal drive in REM, but I am not given this option. The folder on the second hard drive is owned by the Admin user I am connect to REM as, and has 755 permissions. I have created a symlink on REM under the home directory of the user I authenticate as. When I am logged in to REM locally as that same user, clicking on the symlink takes me to the folder on the secondary drive.

How can I access this folder via AFP from another computer?