Since iOS and macOS are based on the same kernel, a number of these interfaces are addressed in the existing post [Surprisingly many network interfaces on macOS: are these legitimate?][1]

As this is a mobile device, there are some additional interfaces not present in macOS:

 * `ap1` is an Access Point interface.  This is if you turn it into a hotspot
 * `llw0` is Low Latency WAN link. It is part of the (highly undocumented) [SkyWalk subsystem][2]
 * `ipsecX` are VPN links. While you aren’t using VPN currently, iOS is capable of VPN connectivity and these would be the interfaces used 
 * `pdp_ipX` are cellular network interfaces like 5G, LTE, etc.
 * `XHC0` is a USB interface likely for tethering
