I have an iMac 2013 with a Fusion Drive and OSX 10.8.5. No plans to migrate to Mavericks yet. I have had [issues also with x11](http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/105886/problem-in-installing-x11-xquartz-in-mac-10-8-5/117607#117607) that I've solved with a "direct" install: installer -pkg ~/Desktop/XQuartz.pkg -target / -allowUntrusted -store But, when I try to install R-2.11.1 and above (I'm using R-2.10.1, and works well ;) ) I get the following message from the installer: R 3.0.2 for Mac OS X 10.6 or higher (Snow Leopard build) can't be installed on this disk. This build of R requires MAC OS X 10.6 or higher. If I try from the Terminal sudo installer -pkg ~/Desktop/R-3.0.2.pkg -target / -allowUntrusted -store I receive this output from terminal: installer: Note: running installer as an admin user (instead of root) gives better Mac App Store fidelity installer: Warning: R-3.0.2.pkg was signed with a certificate that is not valid for store submission. installer: Installation Check: Passed installer: Volume Check: Fatal: Failure And it fails. What can I do? Delete some plist? Regenerate something? Reinstall Mountain Lion? I really prefer to not to have to rebuild from source. I have had no issues installing R on my notebook with Lion.