# For Maximum Safety, Copy Everything The *safest* option is to *copy everything*, including invisible meta-data files. Files tend to exist for a reason and as software changes, so will the existence, purpose, and contents of these meta-data files. Copying everything will reduce the maintenance burden and offer ease of mind that nothing is being lost. The log file created by `rsync` will be technically involved by the very nature of `rsync` being a command line tool. Consider presenting a tidied up, meta-data filtered, and maybe even coloured coded output for the user to check. You could do this with a wide range of scripting tools and languages. Please ask more questions here on [Ask Different](https://apple.stackexchange.com) and on [StackOverflow](https://www.stackoverflow.com) if you need help with this approach. ## Delete Last & Copy OS X Resources Regarding the `rsync` flags, take a look at the question http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/117465/fastest-and-safest-way-to-copy-massive-data-from-one-external-drive-to-another/117469#117469. In this question, a few additional flags are used and explained: sudo rsync -vaE --progress --delete-after /Volumes/SourceName /Volumes/DestinationName In this situation, the `E` will ensure resource forks and other Mac specific properties are copied. You may want to consider `--delete-after` to avoid deleting until the copy has completed; please note that this approach will potentially require a destination drive twice the size of than the source. # Possible Exclusions An answer to a related question, http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/85778/how-can-i-omit-fcpx-render-files-from-a-time-machine-backup, provided a useful link of [OS X files and folders that can be excluded from most back-ups](https://bombich.com/kb/ccc4/some-files-and-folders-are-automatically-excluded-from-backup-task). This link provides a practical list of file patterns, folders, and paths that you could exclude.