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Sticky mouse pointer when using VMware Horizon Client

I'm using VMware Horizon Client Version 2406.1, Build 8.13.1 (11490701655) on a M2 Mac Studio connecting to a Windows 10 workstation. In single monitor mode it works fine, but when using two or all ...
Glenn Wark's user avatar
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Does nvram boot-args="debug=0x10" still speed up Parallels on newer versions with newer macOS releases?

As mentioned several years ago, sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0x10" used to speed up virtual machines significantly in both Parallels and VMware. Has anyone tested to see if this as any empirically ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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How to trigger spinning wheel diagnostics report

I'm working on application that consume significant CPU time and memory under heavy load. my setup configuration is fusion VM that runs macOS Sierra 10.12.6. At some stage I get spinning wheel and ...
Zohar81's user avatar
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Are there any performance limitations when running a VM of a Boot Camp installation?

I'm planning on installing Windows on my Mac, and would like to be able to use both Boot Camp (for when I need to be able to use all of the hardware of the computer) and a virtual machine (for those ...
Senseful's user avatar
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