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Macbook Pro - How do we terminate ALL ESTABLISHED connections?

How do I terminate ALL the ESTABLISHED tcp connections in Terminal? I can use the command below to get a list of active & established connections: netstat -anvp tcp | awk 'NR<3 || /ESTABLISHED/‘...
Santhosh's user avatar
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How to inspect TCP/IP packets

How can I inspect IP packets send through currently open TCP connections? I opened a nettop utility in Terminal, which I think lists IP packet, but doesn't tell anything about their content, namely ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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How to Use Terminal for "Little Snitch" Functionality without Little Snitch

I'm a Terminal newb, and trying to wrap my head around manual "Little Snitch" functionality without using Little Snitch. From the research I've been doing, I've landed on the fact that I need to ...
bmoneruxui's user avatar
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Limiting TCP connections

How can I limit TCP connections on Mac using Terminal? I used iptables on Linux (eOS) to limit the connections of an application (Ace Stream Player) as follows: $iptables -A OUTPUT -m limit --limit ...
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