Questions tagged [space]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Folder with nothing in it is still using up space

I have a folder with absolutely nothing in it. Zero. I made sure there was no hidden files in it, by typing "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES." into my terminal. There is ...
Sean Dangerfield's user avatar
3 votes
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Does iOS iCloud Drive Files get deleted from the device to free space?

I'm using Just Press Record on iOS 10.11.1. Since it records audio and keeps a synchronized transcription of the recordings, I'd like to keep all my recordings there. The app keeps the files in its ...
Diego's user avatar
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Can I delete files from my dyld folder?

I have a 13-inch Early 2015 MacBook Air (OS 11.2.5) with 128 GB, and I'm trying to clear some space for a game I want to install. So far, I've transferred my school assignment files into my external ...
ENDGEYM_'s user avatar
2 votes
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MacOS Catalina - Deleting files isn't freeing up needed space

So I've just installed .1 version of Catalina, and saw that I only had about 50 GB left. So, I've deleted some useless big files and moved some to my external HDD. But, the disk space wasn't freeing ...
Remyx11's user avatar
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Why has the camera on my iphone stopped working?

Tthe camera on my phone (iPhone 6S+) has stopped working. I thought it was due to lack of space (indeed, I couldn't even press the button and take a blank photo). That was for one side of the camera (...
kloop's user avatar
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Heavy download folder, but its empty

MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015) running High Sierra 10.13.6: I'm trying to make space on my mac, and I found out that my download folder is 30GB heavy but there is nothing in it... What can I do?
Gabrielle Verreault's user avatar
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My iPhone 4S says no storage available even though there should be space available

The first time I got the message, I was willing to believe I just needed to free up some space, so I uploaded all my photos and cleared them off of my phone and deleted a few apps I no longer use, ...
user105418's user avatar
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Deleting my mail in Mac, but space is not cleared

Today, I deleted alot of files in Mac Mail but it did not clear any space on my HD. It keeps saying Mail is using 5.36 GB, no matter how much I delete and empty my trash. I have rebooted several times....
Kelly Osgood's user avatar
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Pages: can I style space before a set of characters?

I wish to add space before a span of characters: As an afterthought, I may realize this isn't a job for Character Styles, since those operate on single characters, not spans/groups of characters. ...
Henrik's user avatar
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1 answer

Pictures are stored but not displayed in Camera Roll

Well, I've been running low space for a long time and this led to a sudden disappearing of old photos (actually 5000 of them - the oldest ones) in camera roll. I don't know how how that worked - maybe ...
jaleya.quinne's user avatar