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Problem using Numbers Regex.Extract function

I need help with the following Apple Numbers REGEX.EXTRACT formula that doesn’t return the word before a dot. Below are the text form of the arguments passed to the formula and the formula itself as ...
SIT123's user avatar
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Quick text string search, perhaps in Applescript, for fixed search term so can be bound to keyboard shortcut?

I spend a lot of time editing text. At work, I use the medical software Epic where the key F3 is bound to search and select the next instance of “foo bar” from the cursor. If F3 is pressed again, the ...
gw24's user avatar
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Text search in PDF files with iPadOS 13

In iOS 12 the Preview builtin in the Files opens a PDF file nicely but there is no text search possibility (magnifier glass). To find a word in a large pdf document it is necessary to reopen the file ...
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IPhone app that allows search for string inside .js,.html files?

Is there any app that allows me search for string inside huge list of .js,.html,.php files without opening individual files?I have tried an app called Documents to no avail. (Just like Search for ...
user1788736's user avatar
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What file types does Finder search the *content* of?

I noticed that the Search bar in Finder not only searches the filenames, but also the contents of some types of files. It appears that the search includes the content of all text files, and even some ...
flow2k's user avatar
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How do I prevent search terms from being copied between applications?

If I have a search field open in Xcode and Safari at the same time, switching between the apps will copy the search term from one app to the other. To reproduce this: Open a webpage in Safari, and ...
bneely's user avatar
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iOS application that allows search in Word documents?

I have a huge .doc (Microsoft Word) file (several megabytes) and I need to search it on my iPhone. I have tried like 5 different editors and readers to no avail. Is there any application that allows ...
Dvole's user avatar
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1 answer

Searching Contacts in iOS

It seems that you can only search for a name or a company name in iOS's Contacts app. You can't search for an address, a zip, a note or any text outside of those fields. The same holds true for ...
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