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18 votes
5 answers

Search file duplicates in OSX by hash

I am looking for a way to search for a determinate file in OSX (Maverick but more generally OSX). In particular I would like to do the following: given a File_001 I'd like to search if in the ...
nick2k3's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Search for files in external storage in Finder (and if possible, Spotlight as well)

I have an external drive connected to my computer, as well as a home server. I'm trying to search for a file that is on the server, but when I do a finder search, it only looks into the internal ...
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3 votes
2 answers

How to search file contents on iOS?

Is it even possible? Like, for example, list all php files that contain the word “filter”?
Cain Nuke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I enable search by filename in finder on Lion

Before switching to Lion (on Snow leopard) I used to open a directory (like my Downloads) and start searching using the search box at the top right of the finder window for a file and there was an ...
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