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Force SDKMAN! to install for Intel versions on ARM (Apple Silicon) Macs?

SDKMAN! does a great job of identifying that the running Mac has an Apple Silicon (ARM) chip and filtering its offerings accordingly. For example, sdk list java shows only JDK product for the M1/M2/M3 ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I run a script in Rosetta from terminal on M1 Mac? [duplicate]

How can I run a shell/bash/zsh script in Rosetta from Terminal without having the Terminal being opened in Rosetta?
hfossli's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Playing League of Legends on an external monitor with Apple silicon (display glitchiness)

I just bought myself a 14" MacBook Pro (M1 Pro), which I use as my personal computer, including for casually playing League of Legends (a popular MOBA game). I am connected to an external display ...
Karim Nassar's user avatar
61 votes
4 answers

How to tell if M1 Mac has Rosetta installed?

I am trying to run only native software. So I would like to be able to monitor whether Rosetta 2 is available or not. I am not asking if Rosetta 2 is running. I am asking if Rosetta 2 is present, is ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How am I running x86_64 programs without arch on Apple Silicon?

After getting an M1 MacBook Air, I wanted to install some command-line packages. Following this blog post, I duplicated and set it to run with Rosetta. Using this x86_64 terminal, I ...
seasonedfish's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Open with Rosetta not available

I've just downloaded Visual Studio Code ( 1.51.1 ) on an Apple Silicon MBP. I downloaded the Intel version (the ARM version is still in dev I think) assuming that I would have to right click and ...
Ash Hogarth's user avatar