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Send a notification to my iPhone when a website's content changes

I would like to be notified quickly (ideally within an hour) if a certain website (that is not under my control) changes. Any changes to the HTML should trigger a notification. Since I am not always ...
Louis B.'s user avatar
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Replace HardwareGrowler for hardware and system events notifications on MacOS?

I used HardwareGrowler for years to get notified about hardware and system events on my Macs. HardwareGrowler was initially provided as an extra with Growl, and was then proposed as a standalone app ...
CuriousFab's user avatar
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Pipe Terminal Output To Notification, If Output Contains Specific Phrase?

I have a long series of commands that I run on a semi-regular basis. Sometimes, completion of the commands requires user input via password prompt or other responses and sometimes information is ...
Kerlix's user avatar
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