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How can I find out the command line of a process that changed a specific file?

I am trying to find out what process is modifying my /etc/sshd_config file. It happens due to a background process that runs based on periodic intervals or based on a trigger. What I want to see is ...
HanSooloo's user avatar
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How can I monitor a specific folder and know what processes access its contents?

I'm working with a complex Chrome Extension. As I debug it and make changes, some other files are created and modified. I know for certain that are not modified by me and the extension is not being ...
Neithan Max's user avatar
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Tools to monitor App files write activity under OS X

What tools can be used to monitor system activity under OS X? I am interested in which files are modified or created while using a specific app, Safari to be exact. I am familiar with fs_usage, but I ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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How can I monitor an installer as it modifies the filesystem on Yosemite?

fseventer does not support Yosemite until further notice and the suggestions here don't work for me so how can I monitor an installer as it writes files to the file system? I also tried Sloth but it ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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