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Batch Converting RTF to Markdown?

Anyone have any help, tools, advice, etc. on batch converting RTF to Markdown in MacOS? I've used Automator a little but when I tried the advice in this thread, I couldn't get it to work. I'd love ...
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How can I convert HTML/Rich Text to Markdown in Automator?

I have an Automator service that takes selected text and saves it in a file. However, bold, italics, and linked URLS aren't preserved. Is there a way I can convert it to Markdown before I save it? ...
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How do I get a keystroke systemwide to trigger an action on text in a selected item, whether file, mail message, selected text, etc.?

In this question I asked how to create a window containing a html rendered preview of text formatted with Markdown. I would also like to be able to have a single keystroke that systemwide will produce ...
Daniel's user avatar
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