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Questions tagged [latex]

LaTeX is a word processor and a document markup language.

29 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Icons Do Not Update After Changing "Open with" Default

I recently switched from using BaKoMa Tex to Texpad for working with .tex files. After switching the "Open with" default application for all .tex files (which is working fine), I've noticed that the "...
cpage's user avatar
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keynote equations in latex : change to a sans-serif font

I just realized that Keynote seem to now allow to type directly some latex (Insert > Equation). I'd like to change the default font to a sans serif font (easier reading on a beamer). More generally ...
picop's user avatar
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Keynote equation export to PDF shows different

I am writing an equation with an absolute value: d(c,x)=|c_1-x_1|+|c_2-x_2| In Keynote, it looks good: But when I export to PDF, the equation becomes (absolute notation is not rendered). I am using ...
Shuffle-Official's user avatar
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Pages equation editor: default code

For math homework I use Pages and the equation editor with LaTeX. I want to use LaTeX macros to make writing equations more efficient, however if I have to enter in all the macro definitions each ...
Grady Crossley's user avatar
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How can I fix things when LaTex issues a package minted error for "Pygments" or pigmentize?

I am trying to install the "Pygments" package to Python via terminal on my Mac so that I can utilize the "minted" package in Latex. I have downloaded the package via the terminal by using the ...
Put1demerde's user avatar
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Changing default font for \mathcal in “Pages” equations

I recently asked a question on TEX StackExchange but thought it would be more appropriate to ask it here. I am using Pages version 10.3.5 (7029.5.5). Typing in TeX environments in Farsi is an absolute ...
Zara's user avatar
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How can I get the normal \mathcal font in Pages?

I need to typeset some LaTeX formulas in pages, to make illustrations on a scientific article. In all other LaTeX typesetters when I use \mathcal{F} I get this: Instead on pages I get this Can I ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Rendering MathJax Codes In Chat Rooms With Some iPad Web Browsers

Introduction For rendering MathJax codes in chat rooms, a JavaScript code has been written in the installation page. This code works perfectly with well-known iPad web browsers such as Safari and ...
Later's user avatar
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Viewer for pdflatex/beamer presentation with reload and without blurry transitions

When using pdflatex to create a beamer presentation and then viewing it in (single page or fullscreen mode), page transitions are blurry: when going to the next slide, a blurry/low-...
Maxim's user avatar
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How to see LaTeX output in

I frequently receive mails with LaTeX text which appear in normal text like $frac{(1+cos\theta)^2 but I want them to be rendered in as it would be written in books. Is there any plugin or ...
anki's user avatar
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Issues with Anki and BasicTeX

My last Mac worked with Anki to display LaTeX formatted equations but I am still, but I haven't been able to transfer it over. My steps thus far: I obviously downloaded and installed Anki and ...
cdarwin's user avatar
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Quick Look stopped showing .tex documents

I asked the following question on the TeX forum and was told to ask on an Apple forum instead: I often use Mac OS's Quick Look (pressing the spacebar while a file is highlighted in Finder) to preview ...
user61290's user avatar
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MacTeX installation failed on MacBookPro10

I am trying to install MacTeX on my MacBook Pro running OS X version 10.9.5 but I get weird errors. I've tried two different packages from Jun 2013 and 2014. Using the Jun 2014 package, I can ...
Espanta's user avatar
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Emacs can't find latexmk

I've been using org-mode in Emacs for a while now; specifically, I've installed emacs-mac with brew install --cask emacs-mac and then installed Doom Emacs. A problem I've consistently had with my ...
luardemin's user avatar
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TexStudio crashes when "Compile and View" in High Sierra 10.13.6

I use a macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 and I try to "Compile and View" a text with TexStudio 3.1.1 but the program crashes and quits when the PDF Viewer is selected to be embedded in the app. I ...
Ignasi Piqué Muntané's user avatar
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Vim in Iterm2 closes after compiling Latex file

When I run !pdflatex % in Macvim, the latex file compiles and I am not exited from Macvim. In iterm2, the compilation occurs and them I am taken out of Vim back into the terminal prompt. Any ideas ...
aladdinoscopy's user avatar
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\hat{} symbol "^" in a LaTeX equation in Pages disappears after being exported to a MS Word file

I use Pages 10.2 (7028.0.88) on macOS 10.15.7. As I finished editing my Pages file and exported it to a .docx file for my colleagues, all the equations in it were successfully passed to the new file ...
isend's user avatar
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When using equations in Pages, how can I make the square roots less "tall"?

I'm writing in Pages and have embedded or in-line equations. At some point Pages is not the tool and I'll have to learn how to use TeX or LaTeX perhaps, but for right now: will the square root always ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Some iPad web browsers do not render some MathJax codes

As we know, well-known iPad web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, ... support JavaScript, which is needed for rendering MathJax codes on many websites like Stack Exchange. However, I have been ...
Later's user avatar
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Failing to install the package "Pygments" with brew

I'm try to use the minted package in latex to display code in latex document. I get an error message "you must have pygmentize installed" to use this package. So I tried to install the package ...
ecjb's user avatar
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Latex not working on Anki, even though I have mactex installed

For example, I've tried typing on the front of an anki card, Does [latex]\begin{math}\sum_{k = 1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k}\end{math}[/latex] converge? given in the example on the official anki website. ...
Eric Gumba's user avatar
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On MacPorts, Mavericks, and generated PDF files with latex/xelatex

So, I am using MacPorts and through MacPorts I want to use texlive in order to be able to build with latex/xelatex PDF documents. Everything seems to be working fine, apart from the fact, that ...
MightyMouse's user avatar
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LaTeX- LaTable GUI did not show up on Mac

I downloaded a LaTable Mac Version but when I clicked on the file, the GUI did not show up. I am using MacBook Pro 10.6. I am wondering if anyone is having similar problems or knows how to fix this? ...
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Setting environment variables (TEXINPUTS) in El Capitan

I am a user of TeXShop, an application launched from the Launchpad. Everything works great except that in order to get full functionality, I need to set the TEXINPUTS environment variable. (To be ...
alexis's user avatar
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Maintain document state in Preview not working when PDF changed

I am using Emacs and AUCTeX on macOS Sonoma to modify PDFs that are open in Preview 11.0 when they are recompiled. However, I need to view parameters (page and view height/width) to remain the same ...
Jake Ireland's user avatar
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Minimal latex installation broken after upgrade

I had MacOS 12 with basic tex installed (from here ). I basically only need to convert tex files (using several basic packages) to pdf and the texi2pdf command-line tool was ...
martinkunev's user avatar
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How to downgrade TexPad to version 1.4.7?

This morning I made the worst mistake ever: I upgraded TexPad app (LaTeX App) to the newest version (1.8.something). I need to downgrade to 1.4.7 for it was the best stable and fluid latex app ever. ...
Henry's user avatar
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Error "Metric (TFM) file not found" with MacTex 2016

I want to use TexMaker as LaTeX editor on a Macbook with OS X 10.9.5. I installed TexMaker 4.5 and MacTex 2016. A first attempt to compile a given document (that was written with TexMaker on a Linux ...
Karlo's user avatar
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Do we need MacTex for Lyx on Mac?

MacTex is apparently 4+GB to install. It says on the Lyx downloads that MacTex is a necessary dependency. Do we really need MacTex?
Alexander Mills's user avatar