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44 votes
1 answer

App Store asking for other Apple ID when updating apps

My friend's mate reset his phone to prove him wrong about a situation and ever since then when he tries to update his apps it asks for his mom's iCloud password yet it says at the bottom of the App ...
user83429's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Deleting iTunes App Store purchases from my account

So... Over the period of 2 years owning my beloved iPhone 3GS, I have found many useful apps that I use very frequently. However, in the process of finding these apps, I have also downloaded much, ...
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I make in-app purchases with a different Apple ID than the app was purchased with?

I have three children with three iPods and recently gave them all their own Apple ID accounts so that their iTunes money would be separate. However, now they cannot buy apps to add on to their games ...
lisa's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to know under which account/Apple ID an app was purchased?

I uninstalled/removed apps I used to purchase using a family member's Apple ID; then I re-purchased apps using my own Apple ID. Is there a way for me to check whether the apps are now under my Apple ...
Mel G's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

New iPhone asks for an Apple ID login that is not mine

I have just changed my phone from an iPhone 4S to an iPhone 5S. I backed up my old phone to iCloud, then downloaded the backup to my new device. Whilst entering the settings app in my new phone, it ...
user73058's user avatar