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Open System Preferences/Privacy/Full Disk Access with url

I can open System Preferences/Privacy/Automation on Mojave with the URL What is the equivalent to open Full Disk Access? ...
Beatrix Willius's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can I copy a URL from Safari address bar as percent-encoded string?

What Safari currently does is quite annoying, it copies the URLs as-is, for example:中國 While I understand why Safari does it (for human readability), many ...
bitinn's user avatar
  • 416
0 votes
2 answers

Why my machine, automatically goes to this IP/domains

Why my machine, automatically goes to this IP/domains. I have installed VM with windows 7 and I have wordpress site with xammp server and that is all. Is they are safe domains or not? Because I see ...
Valentin Gjorgoski's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Obtain a private URL to a file in iCloud Drive without making the file available to anyone with the link

I would like to get links to files in my iCloud Drive so that I can paste links to them in other apps (notes, email, etc) for quick access to these files in the future. I know that I can share the ...
BallpointBen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Create hyperlink on on iOS

I am using an iPad with the Smart Keyboard, but my question applied to all devices running iOS. How do I create hyperlinked text in apps such as the or on iOS? I tried using the ...
Oion Akif's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Make text into a link in OmniGraffle

If I have an object, such as a circle or rectangle, with a label (text inside), how can I make turn a word of that text into link, a hypertext web link with a backing URL? For example, within the ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

In AppleScript, how to open a URL location that contains a hash (#)?

I have a workflow written in Alfred that when opening a URL location in AppleScript, the URL will be urlencoded() which effectively breaks: open location "" & ...
Gabriel R.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

inetloc files broken in Mojave 10.14.2

I usually distribute inetloc files to people who need to occasionally access shared drives... they're super convenient, and, since their existence, it's been possible to include passwords (though in ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to redirect Salesforce links to Salesforce App

I'm unable to open the Salesforce links in Salesforce App. The links are directly opening in Safari, but they need to open in the Salesforce App rather than the browser. Is there some settings ...
BALAJI CH's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to remove green hyperlink box in preview?

Is it possible to disable the obnoxious green hyperlink bounding boxes in Preview (PDF)? I do not have access to the latex. The link to the paper is here: ...
Egdenis's user avatar
  • 41
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1 answer

iOS (12.1) google shows "title" in address bar, how?

Using HTML, JS, or anything that can be loaded into the iOS browser, Im trying to find a way to modifiy the URL bar to show something other than the URL (title, text, anything). From what I have read ...
Andy Gilbert's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How do I export the URLs saved on an iPad homescreen?

Is there some way to export the URLs for all of the bookmarks added to my iPad's Home Screen (i.e. saved as icons on the home screen)? I want to export them as HTML/XML/CSV/text, not sync them to ...
IanH's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a browser router tool? [duplicate]

I use many different browsers for different purposes - private, work, development and so on. And when I click on a link in some app I would like it to be opened in the specific browser depending on ...
Denys Kurochkin's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Safari keeps suggesting me top domain

I have a website in the following format: But Safari keeps suggesting as a top hit, while the correct url is second. Now every time I ...
lowselfesteemsucks's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

macOS: How to open a local HTML file with URL parameters

I want to start a Kantu web macro from the command line on Mac. Essentially this is as simple as opening the Chrome or Firefox browser with a local HTML page (which contains the macro code). All works ...
Fabrice Zaks's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Broken link to iTunes keeps opening tabs on Firefox

What is wrong with this link? It keeps opening tabs as fast as it can. Warning, if you click on it do not blame me: itmss://
Ruskes's user avatar
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How to save a bookmarklet link when using safari?

How can I save the link of a bookmarklet in iPad’s safari? For example any of the bookmarklets in the following website? When I touch and hold, an option to save the link is not offered. http://...
Name's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Strange Popup in Browser

Does anyone knows what is this, where it comes from and how to fix it? It shows up randomly and rare. URL: data:text/html;base64,...
Ruskes's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to find the URLs accessed by iOS Apps?

Sometimes I need to find the URLs that are accessed by iOS apps to block their Internet connection. In a web browser, I can get the URLs directly from the address panel. But how can I get the URLs ...
Ding Li's user avatar
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what is ?client&channel=mac_bm

Macbook Pro -Safari, preferences, general, new window opens with - Favorites. -File, new window. I see Favorites, right click on the google icon, click on edit address. What I see here is https:/www....
Lisa Ann's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is there an easy way to add, modify, or remove what files or URLs are associated with Apps?

This is an attempt to write a canonical QA for this issue, as per the Meta post: Where is the list of canonical questions stored for Ask Different? I expect it to be periodically edited with the goal ...
Allan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

iPhone - Remove URL in current tab

I have an iPhone running iOS 11.1.2. How do I remove the URL in my screen at the top of Safari so that I can type in a new search? When I tap and hold, the only options I get are copy and paste and ...
Laura's user avatar
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2 votes
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Someone keeps sending me a link via bluetooth - how to stop them without disabling bluetooth?

In my Macbook, I keep getting a popup about a website link sent from an iPhone: I didn't even know about that feature, but anyway - the link is some random chinese website every time. Whenever I open ...
JVon's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to force MS SharePoint URLs to open in Safari when Chrome is set as default browser? [duplicate]

I like using Chrome on Mac and it is my default browser. However, Microsoft SharePoint and Chrome don't work well together. I am wondering if there is a place where I can specify domains to auto ...
NikhilD's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What application uses the rstf://scheduleState=1 URL scheme?

For some time now (perhaps since the 10.13.3 upgrade of MacOS) I have been waking my Mac up from sleep and seeing between 3 and 7 cascading dialogue boxes with the error message: "Unable to find an ...
Rob Paterson's user avatar
3 votes
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How to play .m3u playlist on iOS, given its URL?

When clicking on a URL for an M3U playlist on an iPhone, it opens in Safari as a blank, gray webpage, and no audio plays. How can I play an M3U playlist on an iPhone, given the URL to the playlist? ...
Geremia's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change URL handler for firefox?

Basically I want firefox to open URLs starting with "ssh://whoever@wherever" using iterm2. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention - the first time I tried this, Mac Os suggested to use Terminal, and ...
GhostCat's user avatar
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1 answer

How to connect notes with links in

I have lots of notes and want to connect some of them to each other. We can add links with CMD + K and I know we can run other apps with links like reminders://. Is there any URL scheme to create a ...
ozgrozer's user avatar
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1 answer

Replace Specific Variables In Selected Text Via Script

So for my work, I am constantly generating links that have to variables that need changed (Ex.{keyword1}&keyword2={keyword2} ) The link is ...
Garrett Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Can I use AppleScript to paste a web text clip appended with source attribution and a timestamp, while maintaining embedded links?

Complete newbie here so please let me know if I need to clarify or otherwise improve my question. I have searched multiple times using different keywords and have not been able to find a solution to ...
Web Smith's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I open a generic URL from AppleScript?

I like to open custom URLs, such as "myscheme://a/b/c" from my AppleScript code. This is not about opening http URLs in a web browser. This is about getting the same result as when you create an ....
Thomas Tempelmann's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

How do I hyperlink 'text' within a note in the macOS Notes app?

If you copy and paste a link from Safari into the Notes app, it is pasted as text that is also hyperlinked. However, I haven't been able to find a way to do this in the Notes app directly. I've ...
Oion Akif's user avatar
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1 vote
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Change url on safari search

I'm trying to move from chrome to safari, but there is something which I'm not able to do so far. I work with Jira, and when I try to browse a ticket for a known project, I can't edit the url to ...
alex_pc89's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Make urls in plain text files into clickable links [duplicate]

I have a large file of plain text on Mac OSX that contains many http(s) URLs. For example: blah blah blah blah blah ...
mark's user avatar
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3 votes
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I can no longer see the url from where I have downloaded a file in Get Info, can I get that back?

I always used to use Get Info to see the URL where I've downloaded a file. Image, PDF, data. Now I can't see this field anymore in any of my recent downloads. I don't see it for old files or new. ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is different between itms vs itms-apps when opening url from device

I've an app in appstore and when it has an update the link was given in the format itms://[AppName] Now I've recently uploaded a new version of my app and from the older app when I ...
Francis F's user avatar
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0 answers

Including server names in file paths

We have two servers, ServerOne and ServerTwo. Each server contains a folder called Projects. On Windows, the paths to each of these folders are \\ServerOne\Projects and \\ServerTwo\Projects, ...
Tim Harding's user avatar
3 votes
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Open URL as File

If I go to an application and open a file, such as using Cmd-O, is there some way to enter a URL, so that I can open a file directly from the web? For example, in a graphics application, I would like ...
Manngo's user avatar
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Obtain bad URL from Safari's current tab with Applescript

The web site has an irritating bug (I'm surprised it works at all) where clicking on one of its links sometimes produces a URL such as the following:
wtfk's user avatar
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Highlight and copy text within hyperlink in a pdf

Say there is a phrase in a pdf file that is a hyperlink: "This is a hyperlink". How can I select/highlight just the text in the middle in order to copy and paste it elsewhere without opening the link? ...
YTD's user avatar
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How can one set Electrum as default bitcoin uri handler? [duplicate]

Bitcoin links are formatted beginning with bitcoin: followed by a bitcoin address and optionally more information. On my Mac, the Bitcoin-QT program is the default one to open when I click such ...
Martin Josefsson's user avatar
0 votes
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How to use ua:// URLs

There are buttons in the Starbucks app on iOS for redeeming free apps and if I long press on the button, it shows a URL like ua://75A6A5DC-D3BE-4056-9482-CEBCD5493F98. However, I don't know how to use ...
jsejcksn's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to type something into the address bar without going to the URL?

On the desktop version of Safari, you can type something into the address bar without going to it. If I think of something I want to search as I'm browsing, I can put it in the address bar, but I won'...
clickbait's user avatar
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There is no application set to open the URL rstf3://

I've been getting this popup every day for the past few days... There is no application set to open the URL rstf3:// I cannot figure out what is generating it, nor what an rstf3 URL might even be. ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Non-existing URLs redirect to "searchguide - level 3" in Safari

I typed a URL in Safari to check whether a domain name had been registered or not, and was redirected to this page: (here I made the test with "", a random string of letters ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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URL Scheme for switching between 3G and 4G

Just wondering if there is a URL scheme to switch between 3G and 4G networks.
Manish's user avatar
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7 answers

Google Chrome won't open URL files by double click

I recently tried to open a URL link I saved onto my desktop by double clicking it, but it will not open correctly. If I DRAG & DROP the file into chrome works fine. The code of the file is as ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to activate whichever mail client is connected by default to a mailto link in applescript?

So I have an apple script that sends an email via the mail app. I didn't make it myself though. tell application "Mail" set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:...
Evert's user avatar
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2 answers

WhatsApp URL scheme

Can't get the Whatsapp url scheme to work. Something as simple as whatsapp://send?text={{Hello World!}} sends me to the last chats window where I can select a group/contact and I get a prepopulated ...
Sandro's user avatar
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39 votes
14 answers

How Do I Fully Flush Cached Redirects From Safari?

I have a device with a web-based control panel, and accidentally set it to redirect all http pages to https, even though some don't work over https. Although I've since corrected this, Safari seems to ...
Haravikk's user avatar
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