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Hpw can I fix auto complete with git after a macOS update?

My command line autocomplete isn't working with many third party binaries. This started with a macOS Ventura 13.5 dot update. I try to tab to operate a previously working autocomplete for git commands,...
thomas-peter's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

git auto-complete branches with checkout alias

There's this neat script to autocomplete git branches. It works fine with git checkout <tab>. But, I want to take it further. I have a checkout alias: alias co='git co'. How can I make branch ...
mahemoff's user avatar
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Completion for git commands

I recently switched from using an Ubuntu box for the last 7 years to a Mac. I have read other posts like Switching from Ubuntu to OS X and I'm lost and What is the difference between iTerm2 and ...
rgamber's user avatar
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485 votes
16 answers

git auto-complete for *branches* at the command line?

On my Linux machine I have autocomplete for branches with Git. [Note we are talking about git branch completion, not bash completion (e.g. commands, files, etc). Thus NOT Lane's answer at all] For ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar