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Questions tagged [git]

popular version control and how it gets used on OS X and iOS

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1 answer

How can I apply security updates to the git client that comes with Xcode?

I am looking at how to upgrade my git client that comes with Xcode command line tools in the light of the recent vulnerability announcement. Is this possible?
Russell Fulton's user avatar
0 votes
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Installing Verilator on an Apple M3 Mac?

I have been trying to install Verilator on an Apple Silicon Mac for some time and keep facing issues. Homebrew allows normal installation but its behaviour during operation is rather weird. It can run ...
Random person's user avatar
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1 answer

I can't clone projects from my companys git from my new mac

2 days ago I replace my pc with a new mac and trying to set it up for my work, but I can't clone a project from my company's local repository. I don't know what to do at this point can u guys help ...
Mustafa Ayfer's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is it dangerous to leave “.DS_Store” files left in Git commit history?

I forgot to add it to my .gitignore and although I've added .DS_Store to my .gitignore now, I was wondering if it was dangerous to leave for anyone to see in my Git commit history? I'm not asking if ....
chung's user avatar
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opendiff not getting launched after `git mergetool`

When I try to do a git mergetool (after getting a merge conflict), I get that the merge.tool is not configured..., and Hit return to start merge resolution tool (opendiff): After pressing return, I ...
Atom's user avatar
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Adding own certificate authority to macOS

I currently facing the problem that I created a certificate authority certificate and would like to add this custom CA to macOS. The general way would be to add it to the "System" area in my ...
user182351's user avatar
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Change default app for all .gitignore files

I have a bunch of .gitignore files, spread across multiple folders. I want to change the default app for all current and future .gitignore files. I tried to do this via Get Info -> Open with -> ...
James's user avatar
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`git commit` is stuck on macOS Ventura

Today I woke up and realised I cannot commit anymore... Strangely enough other git commands work fine. Whenever I create a new directory, git init . inside, touch a new, empty file inside, git add it, ...
maciek's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Hpw can I fix auto complete with git after a macOS update?

My command line autocomplete isn't working with many third party binaries. This started with a macOS Ventura 13.5 dot update. I try to tab to operate a previously working autocomplete for git commands,...
thomas-peter's user avatar
1 vote
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Can not delete file on removable device

(This is on MacOS Monterey) When performing a backup using rsync --delete .... to a USB stick, I noticed that there was a file which rsync could not delete, with error message Operation not permitted. ...
user1934428's user avatar
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Gihub on Mac using oath2

After a pause of 2 years from macOS I bought a new laptop to find this problem: I cannot pull/push to my repositories using a user/password. The new approach is through oath2. At this point, I am able ...
Rafael Zemog's user avatar
2 votes
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Brew can not find git

I managed to move brew and php from an M1 silicon to an Intel Mac. The php is broken due to different processors. And I would resolve that by installing a new php version with brew. This isn't about ...
user59971's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

zsh: bus error with git on SMB volume

I regularly work with git on an SMB mounted share on my MacBook. Recently I get this error every time I try to run certain git commands: zsh: bus error git status. The same error happens with log, ...
Elliott's user avatar
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Issue with an installed public Github package: how and where can I raise my point? [closed]

Recently, I habe some issues with a (public) software package available on Github which I would like to communicate to the developer such that others can follow the discussion. How and where is the ...
Bernd's user avatar
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How to include .git folders or files from .git folders in spotlight index?

There is a very old question about excluding .git folders form Spotlight index. Apparently macOS today by default excludes content of .git folders, since on macOS Ventura, files residing in .git ...
foss's user avatar
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SSH key not being added to ssh-agent automatically

OS version is Ventura 13.2 I generated an SSH key to authenticate git operations with GitHub according to their guide. Followed the steps: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "my identifier" (Without ...
WarningSign's user avatar
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Using multiple github accounts with ssh keys, works only first try on each account

Following different pages I ended up with a ~/.ssh/config looking like this: Host github-personal HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/one_key Host HostName ...
Mooze's user avatar
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What exactly are "git pack objects"? Why are they so huge in the "homebrew-core" repo? We are talking about half a GB of metadata

I am a Homebrew user and have noticed very large files. It seems to have something to do with git, I searched with Brave Search for "Git pack format" but didn't understand exactly why they ...
Sybil's user avatar
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fatal: unable to access ... Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

i run this in terminal git clone and out this Cloning into 'nyoba'... but, i get this message fatal: unable to access '
Azzam Muhammad Naufal's user avatar
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npm and git is very slow in some folders

In most places inside my home directory, npm install and git clone runs very slow, but not in ~/Library. npm install takes tens of minutes in reify stage. While git does not take that long, it takes ...
Jiho Park's user avatar
4 votes
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How to configure Xcode's SSH client?

We've enabled SSH certificates for all repositories in our private GitHub organization recently. To use certificates, I've added CertificateFile keyword to the SSH configuration file in my home ...
Petr Tomášek's user avatar
2 votes
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SSH Authentication stopped working

Following the macOS update (to Monterey 12.6.1) my ssh authentication stopped working. I was getting a "Repository not found. Please make sure you have the correct access rights." I have ...
P. Alves's user avatar
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Where did /usr/local/git come from?

Because /usr/local/bin is ahead of /usr/bin in my path, I'm picking up the wrong version of git, and XCode is very unhappy. Instead of manually blowing away /usr/local/git, I'd like to uninstall it ...
Edward Falk's user avatar
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git dlopen libykcs11.dylib not found macOS 12.5 arm64

I have a new M1 MacBook Pro (Monterey 12.5) and installed Homebrew and the CLI Developer tools (13.4). Anytime I use ssh to communicate with a git remote repository, I receive the following: dlopen /...
grolfs's user avatar
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pinentry-mac fails to store password in Keychain

I'm using gpg to sign my git commits. I'm using pinentry-mac to store the password in the Keychain. This works fine on most macs. But I have one mac mini on which I get prompted again for the password ...
Klas Mellbourn's user avatar
1 vote
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Installing Homebrew fails with "The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported"

I am trying to install homebrew to my mac with /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" but, I keep getting this amaku@Davids-MacBook-...
Amaku's user avatar
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Unable to Install Homebrew; Failed during: git fetch --force origin

I'm having an installation problem with Homebrew; it involves git I ran the command from my terminal, M1pro, with git installed. I tried to do use port but I was unable to install it I tried to do git ...
Amaku's user avatar
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Chrome or Mac OS automatically deletes github diffs on download

I've been trying to save a simple GitHub PR diff to my downloads folder. The moment it saves, I can't open it because it vanishes and Chrome shows "removed" on the download. What could be ...
ShrewdSimian's user avatar
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I have installed git from homebrew, and instead of installing it in /usr/local/bin it's in /opt/homebrew/bin/git, how can I move it?

I've changed my $PATH variable to /usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin (previously /usr/local/bin ...
roger's user avatar
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.git folder gets locked

I'm on a M1 Mac mini. Randomly during the day, I can't commit my work because git is unable to create the .git/index.lock file. In the Finder info the folder shows up as "Locked". I unlocked ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Problems with Homebrew - `brew upgrade` and `brew install git` result in errors

I am a novice homebrew user (on a mac), so please forgive my incompetence. I ran into some problems while exploring the basic functionality. After executing the command brew outdated and getting the ...
Vladimir Fokow's user avatar
1 vote
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Switching from Windows shows all files in git as modified

I don't know if I should write here or StackOverflow, but I recently switched from Windows to MacOS and plugged in the eHDD which had my website projects on there. I forgot to push the updated code to ...
HenrijsS's user avatar
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4 votes
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How can I delete a keychain password for github and vscode?

The way of deleting keychain access codes is to open the keychain access control and right click on the code and delete which worked before . But Now It doesn't and when I press delete nothing ...
Mehdi Faraji's user avatar
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inifinitely regressing "ls" drive under "Volumes"

First of all, I am aware the "ls" command means list all items in a directory. Yesterday an icon appeared on my desktop with a picture of a drive labeled "ls". Looking in the ...
Ejaz's user avatar
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How to fix gitk not refreshing properly on Big Sur?

I have recently updated to Big Sur and now my favourite git graph viewer, gitk, isn't refreshing or re-drawing well on load or after certain interactions. Gitk is written in tcl and seems to run using ...
MichaelJones's user avatar
2 votes
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Homebrew installed git not working [closed]

I installed git with Homebrew and /usr/local/Cellar/git/2.31.1/bin is supposed to be the directory where the git executable is installed. BUT none of the commands are working: rgdgr8$ /usr/local/...
Ritz Ganguly's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How much disk space do the "command line developer tools" take up?

When I run git --version in the Terminal, I get prompted to install the "command line developer tools": What exactly do I get from these "command line developer tools", and how ...
Flux's user avatar
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zsh: killed git on Mac

Hi~ I am just using a Mac with M1 chip. I just found when I tried to run git clone ... I got zsh: killed git What should I do? I have tried to reinstall git via brew. but it doesn't work. git ...
Frank's user avatar
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Unable to install git using homebrew

I am trying to install git using homebrew: brew install git Terminal reads: ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly named formulae found. Error: No available formula or ...
Jonbri's user avatar
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Git continuously removed/reset

At least once a day it seems that my Git global configuration value for gets reset to a blank value. Of course I only find out when I go to commit and it barks at me. I've tried removing and ...
CosmicKetchup's user avatar
1 vote
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Apple Automator (or similar): performing workflow triggered by shutdown?

I was thinking about turning my desktop into a git repository that automatically syncs with BitBucket. The idea is that, periodically, the desktop is synced as well as automatically before it shuts ...
Whazzup's user avatar
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16 votes
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AMSupportURL* "is implemented in both"?

I get the below error message when I run git for the first time after a reboot: objc[728]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both ?? (0x1eff3a7a0) and ?? (0x1188402b8). One of the ...
frank cedar's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I install p4v (previously p4merge) as my git difftool on macos catalina 10.15.3

Ive found these instructions for setting up p4merge as my git difftool (I've not been able to test these instructions): brew cask install p4merge git config --global diff.guitool p4mergetool git ...
danday74's user avatar
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"__git_ps1: command not found" from running "/usr/bin/env bash"

When I run $ /usr/bin/env bash (but not otherwise) I get the error: __git_ps1: command not found I've tried updating ~/ and ~/git-completion.bash for the version of git that I'm using. I'...
Scottmeup's user avatar
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12 votes
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Homebrew - How to upgrade a HEAD forumla?

I installed libimobiledevice a few months ago with brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice, and tried to upgrade it today with brew upgrade libimobiledevice (no --HEAD because it's not an option for brew(...
Teddy C's user avatar
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MacOS xcrun not downloading in Command Line Tools and existing solutions not working

See other Xcrun issues for full details. Basically git isn't working because xcrun doesn't exist in my file path Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun. I've tried: xcode-select --install ...
Jamie Whalen's user avatar
1 vote
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How to find source formula of brew package (github repo)?

How can I find the sources and changes for a given brew package? I'm having an issue with a package that's installed via brew on a cloud instance whose image I don't control. I'm trying to figure out ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get p4merge to come up when I do git mergetool?

I did setup p4merge using this in my .gitconfig: [merge] tool = p4mergetool stat = true [mergetool "p4mergetool"] cmd = /Applications/ ...
Felipe's user avatar
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I have a problem to install the SETOOLKIT ON mac

I need your help. I want to install the setoolkit on my mac, and i found this instuction on internet: I followed all of these steps ...
BeLikeSchmilli's user avatar
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Kryptonite iOS automate enter PIN

Kryptonite has the ability to read my PIN from my phone, but recently after I push to GitHub there is a prompt: Enter PIN for 'Kryptonite iOS': All I have to do is press enter, but this is an extra ...
Paul Snider's user avatar

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