Questions tagged [force-quit]

Force Quit is a way to quit an app how stops responding on your Mac or iDevice. There is several way to call for a Force Quit on macOs, the most current one being pressing the Option, Command, and Esc keys together.

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Force quit app still listed in Force Quit Applications window

Sometimes, when I try to force quit an app after it fails to quit using command ⌘+q, it doesn't appear to work. It still shows up in the dock as if it is running, still shows the app in the list when ...
Max Well's user avatar
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Apps will not quit on Mac OS Sierra 2016 MacBook Pro

After getting my brand new 2016 MacBook Pro with Mac OS Sierra, I have noticed that apps such as Chrome, Mail, Spotify, anything really, randomly and intermittently do not shut down when I go to ...
Sephethus's user avatar
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Pages stuck after force-quit in paused state

Today my application memory ran out and a prompt asked me to quit applications I did not require. I (force-)quit all my apps (there was no option to quit because the applications were 'paused'. While ...
Brick's user avatar
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R Studio Quitting Session Failure on Mac

I have problems quitting R studio on Macbook Air after working tirelessly for over 12 hours and a large dataset. May I get help because my computer wont shut down now?
Hamilton Pharasi's user avatar
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How can I prevent Chrome from reopening when it quits?

When I quit the Google Chrome web browser, it automatically reopens –– it won't stay closed! I tried quitting with Chrome –> Quit Google Chrome and Command-Q. How can I prevent Chrome from ...
Brian Schack's user avatar
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MacBook Air heating up and lagging for no apparent reason

Earlier today I had a few apps open, and one of them was Safari, which had some tabs open which may have been using a lot of energy and/or memory. (One of them was this program by me which draws a ...
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