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2 answers

Is there a dashboard widget that displays Google Maps and traffic data overlay?

Is there a dashboard widget available that displays Google Maps with traffic data?
Senseful's user avatar
  • 24.3k
5 votes
4 answers

Is there an OS X dashboard widget for notes from the iPhone Notes app?

I'm looking for a Dashboard widget for OS X that allows you to read and edit notes—the pieces of text in iPhone Notes application and (I.e., something analogous to the To Do Widget which ...
Jonik's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there a configurable "word-of-the-day"-screensaver/ -widget

I am looking for a "word-of-the-day" screensaver or dashboard widget where I can configure (e.g. in a text file) that "words" to be displayed?
daefu's user avatar
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