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Questions tagged [dashboard-widget]

mini applications that are hosted in the macOS Dashboard

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Black bars on wallpaper / wallpaper zoomed out

I recently tried modifying my Lock Screen by putting a clock widget on it. I didn’t like it so then deleted it. However now my wallpaper is zoomed out so shows black bars on the top and bottom! I’ve ...
drumadoir's user avatar
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Disable or remove seconds from World Clock widget

Here you can see two widgets World Clock (with four small faces) and the normal Clock (in macOS Ventura 13.1): The orange hand for seconds is appearing and smoothly moving in all the clock faces. I ...
ADTC's user avatar
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Can I install a widget on Monterrey?

I have an old .wdgt that I came across. I'm wondering if there's a way to install it in Monterrey or am I out of luck?
Kramer's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the world clock in the sidebar to digital 24 hr time?

I'd really prefer to have 2327 for London time instead of this: Sure can't find any way to change it. Tried right clicking the clock. Tried single clicking the clock. Tried looking in Date and Time ...
jcollum's user avatar
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Stocks widget on mac os mojave not showing current prices

About a weeks back, the stocks widget on mac os mojave stopped showing the current prices. Does anyone know of a workaround to fix this? Thank you.
user674669's user avatar
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Unable to install a widget I downloaded and edited

I use Mojave with Dashboard switched on. I downloaded a dashboard widget file and edited a html file inside it by "showing package contents". I just wanted to change the font size of some text and did ...
Man_Pat's user avatar
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How do I make iClip Lite work in newer versions of Mac OS X?

iClip Lite is a Clipboard Manager dashboard widget, which won an Apple Design Award back in 2006. It's pretty great. Unfortunately, the widget appears to have broken all the way back in Snow Leopard†....
Wowfunhappy's user avatar
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Missing Plug-in error while placing dashboard web clip widget on the desktop

Hi before updating my macOS to 10.13.6 I was able to use the next command: defaults write devmode YES to drag my safari web clip widgets from Dashboard to my desktop, but after ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Where can I find dashboard widgets on OS Catalina?

Here's what I'm talking about: I couldn't find it anymore, I used to set it as a hot corner in System Preferences > Mission Control, I tried to search the keyword "Dashboard" in System Preferences ...
kuku's user avatar
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Dictionary widget stopped working after installing Security Update

I'm running High Sierra, and I installed Security Update 2019-005 yesterday. Since then, the Dictionary Dashboard widget has stopped working. The menu that lets you switch between Dictionary and ...
Barmar's user avatar
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Looking for Working Weather Dashboard Widget

So the weather widget apple includes with macOS no longer works. It's been broken for a while now, I suspect it's never coming back. Especially since it was powered by Yahoo. Also Apple's "dashboard ...
l008com's user avatar
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Show custom image in Mac OS Mojave Dashboard

I really like the Dashboard overlay in Mac OS Mojave. Can I add a widget to show an jpg image in the dashboard? Thank you for reading.
user674669's user avatar
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Where are widget screen positions (coordinates) stored?

I keep a widget open on my desktop on my secondary monitor. Went away on vacation. No external monitor. The widget was "trapped" offscreen and active. I tried looking in the preferences file for that ...
verbatim's user avatar
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How to add a custom widget to IOS 10? (Website)

Is there any way to add a widget from a website to iOS? I'm not familiar with xCode, plus there's an annual fee of $99 to publish an app. Is there any way to add a widget from a website, similar to ...
mancestr's user avatar
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Notifications widgets not updating

I have a problem with Notifications widget. I can't receive an update for the widget. (I enable only 1 Stock widget now). There is crash: ...
Yury Bushev's user avatar
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Are there still working photo widgets?

Under previous Mac OS's there were widgets like "Modern Moments" and "Desk Photo" to display photos on the Dashboard. I tried them under Mac OS 10.10(.1) and they do not seem to be working. I'd like ...
Daniel Wessel's user avatar
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Make OS X Dashboard Widgets appear in Desktop

Dashboard Widgets would be much more useful as MenuBar apps, but some aren't. Is there a way to force OS X to display active Widgets in the MenuBar or as application windows?
Crowder's user avatar
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Was F5 function key assigned to widgets view in old OS X?

I've a customer claiming that the default function for F5 key on his mac is to launch the widgets screen. Is this true? Can be an old apple keyboard or an old OS X such as Snow Leopard with this ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Allow Dashboard access to Calendar

I clicked a date on the Calendar Dashboard widget and was prompted whether I wanted to allow Dashboard access to my Calendar. Not realising what this meant, I did not grant access. Now, I would like ...
SabreWolfy's user avatar
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What are some Weather Widgets I can use? [closed]

I really need some Weather Widgets to use on Dashboard. Please give me your best widgets I can use.
GummyArgyle's user avatar
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Dashboard widgets run in background [10.9]

I have a webclip in my dashboard on mavericks with in it and i like to control my music from there, but as soon as i go out of the dashboard the music stops. I had this working a ...
mvaneijgen's user avatar
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How to resize the widgets in the dashboard?

I wish to enlarge the widgets in my dashboard, because I find it quite uncomfortable to see the contents of the dictionary widget in that small box. Is it possible to do that?
Sibbs Gambling's user avatar
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align widgets in the dashboard?

Is it possible to move a dashboard widget to a specific coordinate? I looked in google, and there's no specific answer to it. I asume that there should be some plist file somewhere with the numeric ...
edgarator's user avatar
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Dashboard Widget for persistently editing a file

Is there a dashboard widget that one can use to persistently edit a text file? For example, suppose I want to have my changelog open all the time in a Git repository. Many thanks.
Brian M. Hunt's user avatar
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Cmd+plus now opens Widgets instead of zooming

This has just started happening in the last few weeks, and I can't work out how to change it. It used to be that I could use Cmd+= to zoom in in my web browser, and cmd+- to zoom out. But just ...
Peter Hall's user avatar
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Is there a dashboard widget that has extended Unicode characters?

I've been looking for a decent Unicode widget that allows access to some of the weirder characters like ✓ and ✗. Does such a beast exist? I've tried a few and all of them seem kind of ...
aendra's user avatar
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Screen Forced Away from Dashboard

I have this issue on my Macbook Air that happens often if I select a gadget on the dashboard. I get forced away from the dashboard to the Desktop. I noticed if I previously selected one gadget and I ...
user avatar
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Sticky note widgets each have their cursor blinking as if active all together

Using a new MBP Retina at work with Mountain Lion. I always used the sticky dashboard widgets to organize my oh-so-chaotic life on my Lion MBP. Now that I use them in 10.8 (around 16-20 stickies) I ...
Sephie's user avatar
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How to import dashboard stickies from an old hard disk without using migration assistant?

I recently installed a new hard drive in my Macbook Pro for a fresh installation of OSX Lion. How can I get my dashboard stickies from the old hard disk without using migration assistant?
Chris's user avatar
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iCal events on the desktop; Dashboard widgets vs. GeekTool vs.?

Over the last few years I've become very dependent on the Amnesty Widget Browser and a little Dashboard widget called "iCal Events" to embed a well-styled list of upcoming iCal events into my desktop ...
Ash's user avatar
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How do I move widgets on the Dashboard that are out of the viewing area?

I have a couple of widgets in Dashboard that moved outside of the viewing area. I can only see them in Mission Control. How do I move them back?
daviesgeek's user avatar
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What is another source for Dashboard widgets?

On the Apple Dashboard widgets page, the most recent app (found at the top of the Just Added section) is The Weather Channel Widget, released on February 14, 2011. Where can I find some more recent ...
Tuesday's user avatar
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Use MacBook Air or Pro for app development? [closed]

I need to replace my old Mac and I am wondering which one should I get between: MacBook Air or MacBook Pro The primary goal will be to develop iPhone and iPad Apps and OSX Widgets. Is there a ...
rcs20's user avatar
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Any way to make weather widget stick to its place?

I have four weather widgets on my dashboard at the moment. The problem I'm finding is that when I arrange them one way - every now and then some of them move down by 20-100 px approximately. I think ...
Michal M's user avatar
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How to get rid of a widget stuck on the desktop instead of the dashboard?

A long time ago I installed the Art Directors Toolkit widget. Today, when I restarted my computer after a power outage, there were 2 instances of the widget. The first one is in the dashboard and a ...
WaterBearer's user avatar
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Dashboard Widget for Outlook:Mac2011 tasks

I am using Mac OS X 10.7.1 and Outlook for Mac 2011 (14.1.0); I am looking for a dashboard widget which could list all the tasks I have added in Outlook. Is there one such dashboard widget ...
bdhar's user avatar
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Did the calculator widget break in Lion?

I seem unable to send a "clear" button press from the number pad on my standard apple extended keyboard (aluminum) to the calculator widget in Dashboard on Lion. The regular calculator app works as ...
NReilingh's user avatar
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What is the best widget for song lyrics?

I'm looking for a widget that can Show the lyrics of the current playing song Get the lyrics online if there is none on the music, and save it Nice designed I used to use the Harmonic widget, but it ...
caiogondim's user avatar
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Stock widget doesn't save list of stocks

I am running Lion and I wanted to add certain stocks to the Stock widget. I was able to add them fine and remove the default ones but everytime I go back to Dashboard the Stock widget is reset and the ...
Delphy's user avatar
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How do I get the iTunes play control widget back in Dashboard?

In OS X 10.7 Lion, the iTunes dashboard widget from 10.6 Snow Leopard is no longer on the dashboard, I can't find a method of adding it again, it doesn't appear to be listed. I frequently used this ...
Chris's user avatar
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"Lockable" stickies on the dashboard?

I'm looking for a dashboard sticky-type widget that I can "lock" so that it won't accept edits. I have a number of stickies that I place there with common terminal commands I use, but I have the nasty ...
Phillip B Oldham's user avatar
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Are there any way I can have a Dashboard Widget visible all the time on the desktop?

A thing that I like with Windows 7 is that I can have the gadgets (widgets) open and visible all the time, e.g. a small RSS reader in the corner of the desktop. I would like to be able to have a ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Is there a dashboard widget for Microsoft Outlook/Exchange calendar?

Does there exist a dashboard widget which displays my Outlook/Entourage and Exchange calendar?
puffpio's user avatar
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How to move around with the mouse in a Web Clip Widget?

I have created a Clip Web dashboard with a selection of a web site that shows a google maps with special spots. How can I move the map around in that widget ? The only thing I managed to do is to ...
Rabskatran's user avatar
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Is there a dashboard widget that displays Google Maps and traffic data overlay?

Is there a dashboard widget available that displays Google Maps with traffic data?
Senseful's user avatar
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Transfer OS X Dashboard Widgets Between Computers

Can anyone tell me an easy way to transfer my dashboard widgets from one OS X computer to another? If there was a way to keep their positioning/settings too that would be great.
wajiw's user avatar
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How to set a Monospace Font for Dashboard Sticky Notes Widget?

I would like to use a monospaced font on the Sticky Notes in Apple's Dashboard widget. However, only a few fonts can be selected, none of which is monospaced.
user avatar
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10 answers

Is there a widget for Mac OS X dashboard that has bigger sticky notes?

Is there a widget for Mac OS X dashboard to write down notes? N.B. What I use now are yellow small sticky notes (I'm using 8 on several spots on the scren). I really love them, but sometimes it ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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iChrono won't install

I have tried downloading iChrono, unzipping and installing, but I get the following error message: You can't install the file "iChrono 3.wdgt" because it isn't a valid widget? The requirements ...
Casebash's user avatar
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Dashboard takes few seconds to update widgets

I love the idea of the Dashboard, but there's one thing that pretty much kills it for me. When I activate Dashboard for a first time or after some extended period of time it takes it 3-15 seconds to ...
Alex Koloskov's user avatar