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Using speakers on both screens depending on window location

My configuration: 2x Apple Cinema Display 27" 1x late-2014 model Mac Mini I would like the speakers in each display to be used depending upon which display the window that made the sound is on. For ...
Gaius's user avatar
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Dual 27" Cinema displays...can I play both sets of speakers?

I have a pair of 27" Cinema Displays attached to a Mac Pro running OS X El Capitan 10.11.3. The displays have speakers. I'd like to play iTunes (or whatever else) through both sets of speakers at ...
Jagra's user avatar
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Disabling sound output devices (e.g. Internal Speakers) in OS X

Since my Cinema Display is both connected through mDP and USB, I can (stupidly enough) both choose “LED Cinema Display” or “Display Audio”. Also, I never use the internal speakers since they sound ...
freya's user avatar
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Can you play sound out of Macbook Pro & Apple Cinema Display Simultaneously [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can I get sound out of both iMac and attached Thunderbolt Display? I have a macbook pro 2009 model, and a 24' apple cinema display. When the USB is connected the audio ...
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